What Area Do You Need the Most Support

Knowing where you need the most support is very important to feeling better and experiencing positive outcomes. When it comes to working with a Therapist or Life Coach, the initial session are about getting clear on the main concerns. Often clients want quick results but have no idea what the real issues are. When it comes to mental wellness, it matters to asses the time when you first began to feel different than your norm. The questions to as yourself are:

When did you first notice that you were not feeling like yourself? An even deeper question is, What does feeling normal look like for you?

Therefore the first two to three sessions are the most important for you and your counselor or life coach to determine where you need the most immediate support. For example, your goal could be to experience more love in your relationship with your significant other, however, your initial sessions may tell a different story. It is important to invest the time and resources in establishing a foundation of truth that no matter how many additional sessions you have, you can be assured that you are clear on what you need and where you need to invest the most mental and emotional time.


Benefits of Online Counseling or Coaching


The Value of Investing In Self Care